Tuesday, 23 June 2009

La Roja at Het Parool

It was fun to have my profile at Het Parool just after the Tales of Happiness opening. Great chance to promote my work in such important dutch newspaper.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Tales of Happiness - opening

I must say the opening of Tales of Happiness was really great! Artists, art dealers, collectors, friends and family... they all were there. What a wonderful day we had. Thank you all for coming.

If you want to see more pics of the opening, go to:

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Work in progress...

All about my work is feeling, is the burning inside of me. With the "Tales of Happiness" collection couldn't be different. I share here with you some pics which I had great times while I was working on my latest painting, for the upcoming show.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Tales of Happiness

How to achieve happiness? Out of this existential question comes the theme of the exhibit "Tales of Happiness," curated by Marco Antonio Teobaldo at the Loods 6 Bagagehal , in Amsterdam. The show features new works by Eleonora Stol, also known as "La Roja", and the video installations of Eduard Kortbeek and Marcellus Slaib, which give a touch of surrealism to the show. Colors , lines, and video frames  are brought together in a dynamic way in this  innovative exhibition.

Opening  - June 7th 2009, at 3pm

Visiting - from June 8th to June 18th, 12pm - 6pm

artists: Eleonora Stol

             Eduard Koortbek

             Marcellus Slaib

curator: Marco Antonio Teobaldo

Loods 6 Bagagehal 

KNSM - Laan 143

1019 LB - Amsterdam

Saturday, 28 March 2009

An appreciation of her work - by Anton Martineau

From an utterly unfettered life style

She extracts in wildly wayward idiom

These images in which she fuses

Her belief in mystical power

With the world she sees around her.

Wholly faithful to her intuition,

Arcane arabesque vernacular and each

One yoked to the inescapably profane,

Not directly purposeful as symbols or metaphors,

But casually recognizable.

But yet in a surrealistic language,

A world turned outside in, topsy turvy

And satisfyingly hard to penetrate..

Many of her paintings are like fragments, remains

Of bodies well-nigh devoured with lust, which in an elegant,

Fresly composed form attest to the eroticism of the feast.

They are moreover the maps, the steps, the soul 

Of the Tango, which she herself loves to dance.

Red is the basic colour,

The instantaneous signifier of passion,

Its baroque provocative character

Rendered in expressionistic mode.

Through an innovation

On the surrealistic fundament, dream and discombobulated reality, in which love stands central

High-heeled, harsh, flaring and dying, stripped of trivial artistic trappings, her work becomes accessible and never lets you escape, you are caught up in a torrent of emotionally charged movement, from witch there is little refuge excepting perhaps the dream of Opium, The angel floating on incense, the seedy mask of Madonna, and enjoyment as it is rendered.

This mode of communication is the sharp antithesis of a technologically flawless world of talking robots and machines whose blood runs cold, in pursuit of speed and purpose..

Exploring her work you take the time to probe it to the depths of your soul, with passion and relentless pugnacity these works are forged, until they emerge from a critical detour to assume their rightful place on the wall.

A sanctification in the dance of Satyrs and song of the Sirens, a story from the Tarot cards, the sugar coated kiss of a Mexican Madonna , scorched air wafting from the razor sharp heels of a dancing woman.. in a word, art created honestly and from inside out.